Monday, 27 January 2014

6 mark question: X-ray and infra-red hair removal devices!

This one is easier than it seems!
Basically you need to write about the dangers of x-rays and infra red

  • X-rays are higher frequency, ionising, can cause damage to cells/mutations/cancer etc. They are more dangerous than IR
  • Infra-red is lower frequency, non-ionising, less dangerous but can cause overheating and burns
  • But then need to draw a conclusion… is the IR device too risky full stop? Or is it safe for the specialist and maybe not the public? Training, regulation, safety?
  • That last bit will get you the full marks!
This one could come up again, have a go, write yourself a model 6 mark answer… 

6 mark question: Evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory

How are you going to get 6 marks for this?

  • I suggest you start by saying there are two important bits of evidence gained through observations of electromagnetic radiation that support the Big Bang Theory
  • Red shift… how light from distant galaxies appears longer wavelength, so moving away, suggests that the universe is expanding which supports the theory that the universe was once very, very small and expanded in a "Big Bang"
  • You also need to talk about CMB… microwave radiation observed from the whole of space, considered to be heat left over from the Big Bang etc.
  • You need to have good SPAG 
  • You need to have a go…